1. The meanings of Cat Don't Tell Me What To Do poster ? 1.1. Some cat senses: Cats have the best vision at night and are poor during the day. Cats also have a diaphragm to reflect light when it reaches the retina. Then the ability of the cat to see in the dark will increase, creating a web of vision. In the day, the light shines down, the irises in the eyes of the cat will close very small, making the amount of light on it less that helps improve visibility. The cat's hymen and other parts of the cat will help them look better than some other animals. The color changes in cats' eyes have an interaction between light and the diaphragm. Cat's eyes have a visual range, they can distinguish different colors, at close range but not too clear. The cat's eyes are multicolored like yellow, orange or green. Albino cats' eyes are blue. However, if the eyes are blue, most cats are deaf. Cats can hear sounds at a higher height, they can also hear sounds better than ...